How to Spend a Day in Furnas, São Miguel

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A visit to São Miguel, Azores would not be complete without a trip to Furnas. The volcanic crater of Furnas Valley gives visitors an inside look at the geothermal activity that characterizes the Azores islands. You can visit Furnas on a guided tour to have all the research and planning done for you while getting inside information from a local guide. However, suppose you’d like to explore independently. In that case, this is the best itinerary to show you how to spend a day in Furnas, São Miguel.

Breakfast at Queijaria Furnense

Queijaria Furnense is the perfect spot to stop for a quick bite before exploring Furnas. You can do as the locals do and start your day with bread and cheese, and of course, coffee.

Lagoa das Furnas

While it’s less popular than Sete Cidades or Lagoa do Fogo, Furnas Lake is worth a visit. You can take a relaxing stroll along the water, rent some paddle boats, or go on a guided kayaking adventure (booked through Picos de Aventura). On the lake’s edge, you can also see a quaint, 130+-year-old chapel called Capela de Nossa Senhora das Vitórias, nestled amid Jardim José de Canto.

Antigo Pomar das Caldeiras da Lagoa das Furnas

Fumaroles in Furnas, São Miguel, Azores

One of Furnas, São Miguel’s most famous features is its fumaroles, or steam vents. Right next to Lagoa das Furnas, Caldeiras da Lagoa das Furnas feels like you stepped onto another planet. Walk along the boardwalks and see where the famous “Cozido das Furnas” is made. Locals cook this stew underground in the traditional way by using volcanic heat.

Parque Grená

Also, on the edge of Furnas Lake sits Parque Grená. This nature park is home to beautiful hiking trails and cascading waterfalls. Spend some time exploring the area and seeing some of the stunning scenery of Furnas.

Lunch at Restaurante Tony’s

Cozido das furnas from Restaurante Tony's in Furnas, São Miguel, Azores

You can’t see the famous cozido das Furnas cooking at the caldeiras without trying it for yourself. Cozido das Furnas is also one of the must-eat dishes in the Azores. Restaurante Tony’s is one of the most popular places to try the local dish, so I recommend booking this one in advance. I’ve eaten there on a few occasions, and it’s always been a classic.

Parque Terra Nostra

After filling up at Restaurante Tony’s, walk off your lunch at Parque Terra Nostra. The botanical garden boasts several walking paths lined with lush vegetation and species from around the world. The park’s highlight is the large thermal pool in the center (sometimes called the “Fountain of Youth”). Take a soak to enjoy the healing benefits of thermal water and minerals. Entrance is €16, which may seem steep for some. If so, the next activity could be a good alternative.

Poça da Dona Beija

Poça da Dona Beija thermal pools in Furnas, São Miguel, Azores

If you’re looking for a cheaper alternative to or addition to Parque Terra Nostra, Poça da Dona Beija is the solution. These thermal baths are set in a tranquil setting and offer five different pools of mineral-rich water. They cost only €8 but are in a small area, and guests are limited to a 1.5-hour timeslot (plenty of time).

Dinner in Furnas

I will give you two options for dinner, depending on what you’re looking for. If you are looking for an upscale restaurant that’s the best-rated in the area, head to Furnas Lake Restaurant. This elegant restaurant serves up unique dishes that are sure to be different from most other meals you have in the Azores. Of course, with that comes a higher price tag. For something more casual (and cheaper), head over to Summer Breeze, where the portion sizes are an excellent value for the cost.

Miradouro do Pico Ferro

If there is still daylight after dinner, head towards Miradouro do Pico Ferro for a lovely view of Furnas, São Miguel. There will be a short, steep walk from the parking lot to the viewpoint, but the views are worth it.

I hope this itinerary helps you determine how to spend a day in Furnas, São Miguel, and shows how much there is to do here. This unmissable town will teach you about the island’s geothermal activity while giving you a taste of its nature and local culture.

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